We know you don’t want to have to worry about constantly replacing your roof. It can be a hassle, but more importantly, it’s a big purchase. Your roof protects what lives under it: you and your family. 

However, for your roof to be serving its intended purpose, it needs some regular upkeep. If you follow this checklist consistently, you will extend the life of your roof and incur minimal damages. More than that, though, you can protect your home.

Checklist to Extend Your Roof’s Life in Gainesville, Florida

Roofs in Gainesville, Florida, experience extra wear and tear compared to other parts of the country. We endure hurricanes, daily thunderstorms, harsh heat from the sun, sporadic wind speeds, and heavy rain. 

You may be overwhelmed by the potential damage your roof could incur, but with our checklist, McFall will ease your nerves! We will equip you with the tools necessary to make your roof Florida-proof. While you read through this checklist, if you have any questions or repair needs, call McFall Roofing at (352) 415-9098, and we will be ready to assist you!

1. Inspect Regularly

If you want your roof to last longer, you need to know where it is lacking. This starts with regular inspections. You can do this yourself or have a professional inspect it. If you don’t know much about roof maintenance, we suggest hiring a professional. They can guide you through the process and spot damage you may not have noticed.

2. Clean Gutters

One of the most overlooked areas of roofing maintenance is the gutters. Yes, gutters protect your home from water damage, but if they aren’t functioning properly, you risk more damage to your roof. This is especially important in Florida’s climate. 

With rainstorms, thunderstorms, and hurricanes occurring throughout the year, it’s easy for your gutters to get backed up. This is a simple task, so it is easier to clean gutters more frequently rather than wait until there’s a problem.

3. Trim Overhanging Trees

A man cutting a tree limb with a chainsaw.

In Gainesville, we love our big, beautiful front yard trees! They are a blessing that provides shade and comfort, but sometimes, they overstep their jurisdiction. Overhanging branches can fall on your roof during afternoon storms or strong hurricane winds. This can tear or pierce shingles, siding, and other outer materials. 

In addition, overhanging limbs that are still attached to trees will continually rub against your roof. Over time, that friction quickly tears down your roof, whether it be shingles, metal, or tile, so you should regularly trim your trees.

4. Remove Growing Moss, Algae, & Fungus

In North Florida, the climate is much more conducive for moss, algae, and fungus to grow on houses. If your roof is shaded, the chances are higher for moss and algae to grow. Sometimes, it is easy to spot, but moisture often gets trapped under your shingles, supporting unseen moss, algae, and fungus growth. In this instance, you should do an initial check, but then contact a professional, like the ones at McFall Roofing, to have a more comprehensive inspection done.

5. Install Attic Ventilation

Most of us only reap the internal benefits of proper attic ventilation—more control over internal temperature—but aren’t always mindful of its other benefits. The other side of the ventilation coin is that it reduces heat and moisture buildup under your shingles. Just as proper attic ventilation can protect you from extreme weather, it also extends the life of your roof. This cycles back and protects your home.

7. Inspect & Replace Missing/Damaged Shingles

Just like the first line of shieldmen in a medieval army, the shingles on your roof are your first line of defense for your roof. Over time, shingles can start to crack and peel. You may even want to consider changing your roof shingles’ color to reduce the chance of heat damage. Shingle damage is not always easily visible, so it’s important to regularly check the condition of your shingles. If they are damaged or have torn off, replace them as soon as possible.

8. Ensure Proper Insulation

An image of someone installing fiberglass insulation.

Similar to attic ventilation, proper insulation helps regulate the temperature of your home and guards against moisture and heat buildup. This doubly combats moss, algae, and fungus growth. The one difference is insulation is necessary for your whole house, not just the attic. 

If your house is not currently fully insulated, schedule a time to install whole-home insulation. If you have any questions, McFall would be happy to help out. Just give us a call!

9. Keep an Eye Out for Freezes

Though Gainesville, Florida, is not known for heavy snow or sustained freezing temperatures, we still experience freezes from time to time. In the winter months, if you notice ice on your driveway, it would be wise to check your roof for any ice building up around your gutters or water pooling on your roof. If ice dams do form on your roof, they prevent proper drainage, which affects the health of your roof. 

10. Protect Roof Flashings

Roof flashing is usually thin galvanized steel installed to direct water from critical parts of your roof. It’s typically installed around features like chimneys, vents, and skylights. If your flashings are damaged, the most vulnerable parts of your roof are at risk of extensive damage. To prevent this from happening, regularly check flashings and apply sealant or make repairs when needed.

Key Takeaways

If this list is too long for you to remember, keep in mind these two points.

Regular Inspections

Regular inspections are crucial to the health of your roof. If you regularly inspect your roof, you will know what needs to be cleaned or repaired, which leads to the next key takeaway.

Consistent Cleaning & Repairs

You should create a system to regularly clean gutters, debris, and moss and trim overhanging limbs. When more intensive damages arise, quickly fix them or let the McFall Residential Roofing team make repairs for you!

McFall Roofing team photo outside of Gainesville's Thomas Center

McFall Residential Roofing Will Extend the Life of Your Roof & Protect Your Home!

Don’t wait for roof problems to arise! Extend the life of your roof when you book a consultation with us and get ahead with proactive roof care!