If you are looking to replace your roof, you may be interested to hear that recent developments in roofing technology have given homeowners many new options. Durability, sustainability and weather resistance are all factors that you may be considering. Here are some of the new roofing technologies that may be of interest to homeowners in the Gainesville area.

New Roofing Technology for Durability

Self-healing Roofs

Self-healing roof technology uses thermoplastics rather than traditional asphalt shingles. These shingles are able to repair minor scratches to keep your roof looking good and performing well. 

Thermoplastic shingles are made from a polymer that separates as the sun shines on it. Later in the day, when the temperature cools, the polymer seals itself, taking care of any small scuffs or scratches. This process does not affect the durability of the shingles.

Silicone Roof Coating

Silicone coating can be applied to an existing roof. This technology is applied as either a roll or a spray. After an inspection to ensure that the roof is free of wet areas, a silicone coating can be applied. 

Silicone coating can extend the lifespan of a roof by up to ten years. This is an excellent choice for homeowners who are looking for a short-term, cost effective roofing option.

Environmentally Friendly Roofing Systems

Cool Roofing

What is cool roof technology? Cool roofing makes use of light colors and naturally cool materials. This allows the roof to reflects more of the thermal energy that would be absorbed by a traditional roof.


Roof - Picture of soffit and the underside of gutters on a home.


Cool roofing technology, or white roofing, may be of particular interest to property owners in the Gainesville area. Florida’s hot climate can make it a challenge to keep your home cool during the summer months. They’re designed to reduce the energy needed for air conditioning. They can make indoor spaces more comfortable during our increasingly hot summer weather. This exciting technology can even help to decrease outdoor air temperatures, reducing the urban heat island effect. If you go for a cool roof, not only will you see energy savings, you will also be helping to combat climate change!

Green Roofs – and 3D Printing!

Although the initial installation costs are higher than with a traditional roof, green roofing is an energy efficient option that is growing in popularity among environmentally conscious homeowners. Like cool roofs, green roofs absorb much less heat than traditional asphalt shingle roofs, leading to energy savings. 

The long term benefits of a green roof include excellent stormwater management, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and benefits to local pollinators such as bees and butterflies. The University of Virginia has even developed a method of 3D-printing using seed-impregnated soil to create a roof that is teeming with plants.

Solar Shingles

Solar panels atop residential roofs have been a common sight now for many years. However, their unattractive appearance can sometimes be off-putting. New technology has allowed scientists to develop solar shingles. 

These shingles have photovoltaic cells that behave just like the ones in traditional solar panels, generating electricity from the sun. However, solar shingles look much more like traditional shingles, and they are equally able to protect your home from the elements. Solar roofs can now save energy costs and reduce carbon emissions without looking any different from a traditional roof.


Man carrying bundle of shingles over his shoudler on a roof

New Developments in Roofing Technology

Smart Roofs

Smart thermostats, smart doorbell systems and smart speakers have become part of everyday life in the past few years. It should come as no surprise, then, that some new roofing projects are making use of smart technologies to improve roof safety and durability.

Smart roofs have sensors that can detect leaks, blocked drains, heavy loads of snow and more. Although this type of roof is currently used in commercial buildings where big leaks would be very problematic, it’s likely that homeowners will become more interested in smart roof technology over the coming years.

Robotics and Roofing

In the near future, the use of robotics may be an option to make roof replacements quicker, safer and more efficient. Renovate Robotics is developing a shingler that can install either asphalt or solar shingles. However, the robotic shingle installer – nicknamed Rufus – still needs humans to set up, monitor and reload roofing materials.

Whatever your roofing requirements, some of these new technologies can help. If you’re interested in a new, sustainable, durable roof in the Gainesville area, contact us for a quote.